Kristen Stewart stars for gloss and speaks about her role as Princess Diana in the movie “Spencer”

Kristen Stewart stars for gloss and speaks about her role

Last month, the world premiere of Spencer, starring Kristen Stewart as Princess Diana, took place at the Venice Film Festival. Now an increased attention is riveted on the actress – some have already appreciated her play, others are still waiting for the film to be released.

Entertainment Weekly chose Stewart as the heroine of the latest issue – the actress appeared on its cover, starred in a photo shoot and gave an interview in which she spoke about filming the film.

She admitted that she agreed to take part in the film even before she read the script.

I thought: “You will not give up on this, otherwise who will you be in this case?” I would definitely feel like a coward. Especially considering that I myself was a black sheep. I am not from the UK, I have no ties to the royal family. So I was like a blank slate, and then I could feel Princess Diana in such a way that I behaved instinctively,” said Stewart.

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