Liliya Oliinyk: Leadership, business, and supporting a new generation

Liliya Oliinyk is a Ukrainian entrepreneur who is always at the center of events shaping the future. She actively participates in international business events, collaborates with charitable foundations, and passionately supports the younger generation of entrepreneurs. Her experience encompasses numerous global projects, constantly focusing on nurturing a healthy generation through ethical entrepreneurship and active social engagement. In our conversation, we learned about her participation in the 2024 World Startup Championship and the Global Business Week in Turkey, as well as what motivates her to continue working under the challenging conditions of war.

Liliya, you recently participated in the 2024 World Startup Championship and the Global Business Week in Turkey. Could you share your main impressions and lessons from these events?

Indeed, the most significant event of the year — Global Business Week 2024 in Istanbul — brought together leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators from all over the world, creating a unique business community that shapes the present and builds the future. I was particularly impressed by the opportunity to be part of the jury for children’s business startups, where children from various countries presented their projects alongside adults. This confirmed that the culture of entrepreneurship lays the foundation for economic growth through international trade, family values, and partnerships. My main takeaway is that all the children in the world are incredibly talented, and we must do everything possible to support and develop them.

The full-scale war in Ukraine has been ongoing for three years, yet you and your team continue to find the strength to learn and participate in international events. What helps you maintain motivation and resilience in such challenging conditions?

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My main motivator is children — not only my own but all those whose future depends on our actions today. What kind of world are we passing on to them? How do we overcome difficulties? What values do we convey? I have life goals, and despite all circumstances, I must work, support others, and remain calm so that our children gain experience in navigating difficult situations. This is the source of my strength — to live a happy life without postponing it, regardless of the circumstances, and to implement all my plans.

How did your participation in the Re-Invention Brunch event and collaboration with Fenix Charity influence your perspectives and goals?

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Fenix Charity and I share common values: charity is an inseparable part of the activity of every person and company. I am delighted to support all their events. At the Re-Invention Brunch, I was a speaker alongside other thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and public figures. This event provided an excellent platform for networking and professional development through knowledge and experience exchange.

You balance professional activity with raising four children. How do you organize your time to succeed in both business and family life?

My children are quite grown-up now, and I am grateful that they help me more than I help them. I find it crucial to create conditions in the family where everyone understands that their contribution fosters the growth of the whole family. Discipline and planning are the keys to success. When there is respect, support, and love in the family, everything comes easily and naturally — both in business and at home. And there is always time for oneself, as a resourceful mother means a happy family.

What key challenges do you see for Ukrainian entrepreneurs in the current environment, and how can they be overcome?

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Right now, significant state support is needed for small and medium-sized businesses, as the country’s economic situation is critical. Economic transformations and legislative changes are essential to support businesses. It is important to attract foreign funds and provide government benefits so that businesses can survive and develop.

How has your experience participating in international projects affected your views on doing business?

Participation in international projects expands opportunities and provides a deeper understanding of doing business. It’s about entering international markets, attracting foreign partners, and understanding the principles of building similar businesses in other countries. You need to build your business, considering real opportunities and dreams that lead to great goals.

What does participating in global business events mean to you in the context of supporting Ukrainian business on the international stage?

Unification and support at the international level provide a powerful impetus for the development of any project. The participation of Ukrainian businesses demonstrates that we are capable of great achievements, even in difficult conditions. Ukrainian business deserves to be a leader in many fields, and we must continue our active international engagement.

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