Renata Stifel: a story of choosing between career and family life

Renata Stifel: a story of choosing between career and family life

Of course, balancing personal life and career can be challenging. However, in the world of celebrities, some people have successfully combined both spheres and found their path to harmony. One of them is the Ukrainian singer Renata Shtifel, who chose family over career.

A story of Renata Stifel

Renata Shtifel is a bright and talented Ukrainian singer who has a large following due to her musical skill and voice. Her songs have been played on the radio, and her music videos have been shown on television channels. She has performed on big stages both in Ukraine and abroad and has appeared on red carpets at top events and award shows. Her song «Dusha» (Soul) has garnered millions of views and has become her signature tune.

«I dreamt of a successful singing career and worked hard towards that goal since childhood. I never imagined doing anything else. All my plans were focused in that direction,» the singer recounts.

However, despite all her success, she decided to change her priorities and prioritize creating a happy and strong family. And it happened unexpectedly, during the pandemic, when the world seemed to have stopped, she met her fiancé online. After getting to know each other virtually, Renata flew to Cyprus to meet him in person. And love took its course.

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As the singer herself says, at that moment she made perhaps the most important decision of her life, leaving the stage and her home country, moving to Cyprus, and devoting herself to her family and building a happy future.

Renata Shtifel is a bright and talented Ukrainian singer

«This decision was not easy for me. It was a very difficult period. A foreign country, language, and lack of friends and acquaintances. Believe me, adapting to new living conditions, especially in a new country, is not easy and requires a lot of effort and time. Additionally, integrating into a new environment can be a challenging task.

However, looking back, I can say that I was able to get through this period thanks to the love and the support of my family,» shares the artist.

Although the artist is not on stage every day now, she remains in the music industry and continues to release songs. Recently, she presented a song «Painful», which became especially personal for her. This song became a reflection of the pain that Renata feels about the war in her homeland and the Ukrainian people. «Painful» became an emotional appeal to all Ukrainians.

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Renata Stifel, singer's wedding

As the singer herself says, she does not plan to stop and will continue to delight her fans with new songs. She is already preparing a new track, which will be dedicated to love. After all, a long-awaited event in her life – the wedding – will take place very soon.

«Now I’m in the most interesting period of any girl’s life, preparing for my wedding which will take place in a few months. I never imagined how exciting and challenging it would be. But since I want everything to be perfect, I’m doing a lot myself,» shares Renata.

However, it’s worth noting that her choice in favor of family doesn’t mean a complete abandonment of professional development or a desire for success. The artist tells us about her participation in this year’s prestigious San Remo song contest in Italy. This competition is one of the largest music festivals in Europe, where representatives from different countries take part.

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Renata Shtifel - singer

For the singer, this is an opportunity to demonstrate her talent to a wider audience and raise her professional level.

Renata Schtifel’s life is an example that choosing to prioritize family over a career can be very satisfying and happy.

For those who face similar choices, it’s important to remember that there is no right or wrong decision and that every person has the right to choose the path that seems most correct to them.

It’s also important to remember that prioritizing family doesn’t mean giving up on professional development or striving for success. You can find a balance between work and family life, as well as find ways to develop professionally without sacrificing time with your loved ones.

Therefore, deciding what is most important to you is a step towards happiness and fulfillment in life. The key is to make a choice that aligns with your needs and values.

Renata Schtifel's life

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