7-year-old Nicole is a professional rider with great ambitions in equestrian sports. Here is her story.

Seven-year-old girl Nicole is a true prodigy. Since the age of 5, she has been engaged in horseback riding, fluently speaks three languages, and actively develops her creative side. Currently residing in Chicago, USA, we had the opportunity to interview her about her interest in equestrian sports, her dreams, and her plans.

While many children are fond of animals, Nicole decided to take her passion for animals a step further. As she tells it, at age 5, she approached her mother and asked her to find a school where she could learn horseback riding.

“My mom was surprised because no one in my family rides horses. It was entirely my idea. Mom and Dad found a professional school where I started learning. The love for horses brought me to this sport”, says Nicole.

On riding lessons, the girl likes jumping over various obstacles the most.

“Throughout my training, I’ve already learned to control the horse, so I’ve lost the fear of both the animal and the fear of falling. I can calmly ride at different speeds, overcome obstacles, take care of the horse, and prepare it for the ride. If I fall, I just continue practicing. Without falls, there are no victories”, says Nicole.


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Nicole points out that the secret lies in empathy and love. Horses are susceptible animals that can keenly sense a person’s mood. While she doesn’t have her horse yet, Nicole constantly dreams about it (along with dreaming of securing first place in competitions). Currently, she trains on different horses, which she enjoys because she quickly connects with them, learning something new from each experience.

In just two years of training, Nicole has already earned prize positions in professional equestrian competitions in the state of Illinois. Her perseverance and discipline are evident. Currently, she is training to participate in the upcoming tournament. Nicole plans to continue developing in equestrian sports in the future, and she envisions tying her future profession to horses—either becoming a coach to pass on her experience to the next generation or becoming a veterinarian. She explains her choice as follows:


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“Horses have incredibly positive energy; I love being among them. For me, horses are like a second home. When I’m with them, I don’t notice how time passes. I always come to training early to have time to prepare the horse, pat it, groom its mane, clean its hooves, and put on the right saddle”, says Nicole.

Nicole shares that horses have a phenomenal memory; they remember routes very well. They also respond to gestures of attention: if you bring an apple or carrot to the horse before training, it understands that you have good intentions and listens better.


Equestrian sports, undoubtedly, take the top spot in Nicole’s life, but she tries not to focus solely on one activity. In addition to horseback riding, she speaks three languages (Ukrainian, English, and Russian) and plans to add a fourth language to her repertoire — Spanish. Fluent English helps her in her studies at an American school where children from around the world attend. Besides, Nicole enjoys drawing: coloring, and depicting various objects, animals, and people.

To wrap up, here are some very mature pieces of advice from Nicole for other children (and their parents):

“Choose a hobby that you enjoy, not just your parents. Don’t be ashamed or afraid to insist on your interests. For example, I tried professional swimming and gymnastics, but I felt that they didn’t bring me joy, so I left them. Explore yourself in different areas, and then you will find an activity that truly resonates with you”.

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