Size of the global economy in 2022 for the first time to exceed $100 trillion

China to become the world’s leading economy in dollar terms in 2030

Next year, the volume of the world economy will exceed $100 trillion for the first time. This is stated in the forecast of the British consulting company Cebr, writes Reuters.

China is projected to become the world’s leading economy in dollar terms in 2030, two years later than predicted in last year’s World Economic League report.

“The big question for the 2020s is how the global economy will cope with inflation, which is now 6.8% in the US,” said Cebr Deputy Chief Executive Douglas McWilliams.

Germany is on track to overtake Japan in economic output in 2033. Russia may become one of the ten largest economies by 2036, while Indonesia plans to rank ninth in 2034.

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