Products for strengthening the immune system

Now more than ever, the problem of protecting the body from infections is acute. Of course, the best way to protect yourself from infectious diseases is to observe all the rules of hygiene, but you can also increase immunity with the help of a simple but proper diet, which will be rich in vitamins and minerals.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which substances are needed in greater quantities to strengthen immunity. We recommend eating an equal and balanced diet that provides a diet rich in protein, fat and fiber.

Protein is a storehouse of amino acids from which immunoglobulins are synthesized. Without proteins, our body will not have enough building material for the formation of antibodies, which, in turn, fight pathogenic microorganisms and restore cells. It is worth paying special attention to foods rich in protein – meat, fish, poultry, dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese) and eggs. Plant-based sources of protein are lean foods – all types of legumes, hummus, soy, nuts, buckwheat, and quinoa.

The usefulness of fats lies in the fact that they contain essential substances that our body is not able to produce on its own – fatty acids. Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory, while Omega-6s strengthen the body’s defenses and eliminate harmful toxins. Omega-acids are rich in oily sea fish, as well as fish oil. There are many of them in seafood and natural oils.

When it comes to fiber, it is essential for the body to normalize bowel function and support our own bacteria that protect us from unwanted guests. Surprisingly, it is this organ that is considered the most important for immunity. Fiber is easy to find: it’s found in oatmeal and bran, fruits, almonds, mushrooms, and cabbage. Among other things, there are special nutritional supplements that can be used in a variety of dishes, from salads to smoothies.

But in order to keep the immune system completely under control, of course, it is worth taking care of vitamins. First of all, introduce into your diet a regular intake of vitamin C, which works to fight colds and infections. It can be found in abundance in citrus fruits and kiwi, and warming decoctions of sea buckthorn and rose hips are a tasty and healthy drink during the moody spring weather.

Vitamin D also deserves special attention, which is aimed at resisting colds. You can find vitamin D in flaxseed and pumpkin oils, fish (mackerel, salmon, sardine) and milk. Vitamin B is also needed to maintain immunity during viral attacks. It can be found in black bread, brown rice and fresh herbs.

The latter group of vitamins A and E has powerful antioxidant properties, protecting the body from unwanted bacteria. Therefore, add liver, beans, red vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, peppers) and orange fruits to the diet.

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