“One of the worst employers in the industry”: why no one wants to work with Marvel

Visual effects artists who collaborate with Marvel complain en masse about working with a well-known studio. They do not like the large amount of work, low wages and the way the employer behaves with his performers.

It all started in May 2022 – then a Reddit user wrote a plaintive post about how he did not like working for Marvel Studios. “Cooperation with such a customer is clearly overrated,” wrote an anonymous source. In the comments, he was supported, adding that this is “one of the worst employers in the industry.”

The studio is mostly complained about by visual effects artists.

Another story of unsuccessful cooperation with Marvel was published yesterday on the Vulture website. Many have to work seven days a week – 64 hours a week – and work in this mode for six months, and sometimes a year. Usually Marvel has a lot of edits on a project, so the visual effects artists have to redo their work many times.

“Marvel requires regular changes, much more than any other client,” – says the source of the publication Vulture.

In addition, edits tend to come at the last minute – and you can’t put them off, because the studio never reschedules its premiere date.

Visual effects artists are not directly assisted by filmmakers – directors and cameramen. Intuitively, you have to decide where to add this or that effect. You can’t wait for hints from the customer either – Marvel representatives never understand what they want. Very often, the studio asks to try all the options – and this is at the post-production stage: “Some people want to change the entire setting, the whole location, already at the final stages of production.”

The way out of the situation will be if they create special trade unions for visual effects artists. In addition, the Vulture source says that Marvel needs to better prepare its team members so that they can explain technical tasks.

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