Talented Girl Lady Kira: Discovering Her Creative World

At the age of nine, Lady Kira has already made a significant mark in the world of music and poetry, participating in vocal competitions and promoting the work of Ukrainian poets such as Lina Kostenko, Inella Ognieva, and Ilona Eltek. She particularly remembers the “Ukraine Unites the World” contest, where she performed in front of a star-studded jury.

From an early age, she impressed those around her with her interest in art. By the age of five, she knew more than twenty adult poems. While studying at school, Kira remembers her other passions. Her love for mathematics and numerous friends make the girl’s life diverse and interesting.

However, if she had to choose between music and poetry, she would choose music. Rhetoric and singing is her true calling.

Kira, you have already achieved significant success at such a young age. How do you manage to combine school, music, and poetry?

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People actually ask me this very often. I don’t even know what to say… Everything usually happens as follows: there is a schedule, planned in advance, and you just follow it step by step. If everything is considered and well-organized, you can achieve much more than when you do things haphazardly.

You mentioned that rhetoric and singing are your true callings. What do you like most about these pursuits, and how do they affect your life?

Both rhetoric and singing teach me how to express emotions, control them, and immerse myself in a special state where I can imagine myself in various roles… For me, it’s probably something close to being on stage, something that I really enjoy.

At the “Ukraine Unites the World” contest, you performed in front of a star-studded jury. What did you feel when you were on stage, and what was the most valuable lesson you learned from this experience?

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Like at any contest, you always feel fear and anxiety on stage… But every contest is an experience, a small victory over yourself. After each one, I become more confident. I also like hearing the judges’ opinions when they analyze the participants’ performances. It’s priceless. Such recommendations are invaluable.

You are also passionate about mathematics. How do you find a balance between your creativity and studies, and do these skills help you in your creative process?

I love mathematics. Well, at least for now. Mathematics is like a workout for the brain. Usually, after training, you feel both tired and satisfied. It’s the same here, especially when you find solutions to difficult problems.

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