Looking into the Future: How Yulia Kichila Transforms Preschool Education

We’re excited to introduce Yulia Kichila – a Ukrainian businesswoman, founder of the innovative “Hello, Kids” kindergarten, successful business partner of the Kupetskyi Dvir and Dniprovska Riviera restaurants, and beauty ambassador for Eka Beauty. Yulia exemplifies a strong woman making significant contributions to the development of preschool education in Ukraine, striving to provide a quality educational platform for future generations.

How do you balance caring for a child and managing a kindergarten? Are there specific principles or approaches you apply both at home and in your educational institution?

I adhere to the rule that quality, not quantity, of time spent with a child matters most. Assistants help manage the kindergarten, to whom I can confidently delegate important tasks. Our team is expanding significantly; I act as the idea generator, and they bring these ideas to life.

My principles, both at work and at home, are simple – do everything conscientiously, as if for yourself. I love clarity and consistency in actions; everything should follow a schedule, according to a set regime. I instill these rules in both my family and my team.

Your kindergarten is renowned for its innovative approach to education and upbringing. Could you tell us about the unique methodologies or programs you implement to promote the development of each child?

First and foremost, it’s our proprietary methodology focused on subjects that help children quickly adapt to the modern world – eidetics, financial literacy, sex education, etc. We use STEAM education, which combines science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. This approach goes beyond merely blending creativity with technical knowledge; it’s aimed at developing comprehensive and problem-solving thinking, creativity, and practical skills in students. Children learn to solve tasks through trial and error, not just studying the “dry” theoretical part.

We also pay great attention to developing emotional intelligence, which helps better understand one’s emotions and feelings.

How do you incorporate the concepts of healthy eating and an active lifestyle into your family upbringing and teach these to children in kindergarten?

The secret is to lead by example. My daughter, at nearly 4 years old, can explain better than any nutritionist what nutrients each meal should consist of and how they affect the body.

Regarding kindergarten, we indeed place a strong emphasis on nutrition because healthy eating is the foundation of health. The children spend 5 days a week in kindergarten, so their dietary behavior, which is forming now and will impact their future, is our responsibility. We don’t force or habituate to healthy eating; we make it a way of life. Especially since a professional chef works in the kindergarten, following a proprietary menu. All dishes are delicious and varied, served in exquisite vintage tableware from the 70s in England, captivating the children and turning mealtime into an exciting adventure.

You’ve spoken about the importance of an individual approach to upbringing. How do you implement this approach in your kindergarten, and how do you help parents understand its significance?

Most parents who come to us fully share the values and principles embedded in our children’s upbringing. I am the biggest example and foundation for understanding these principles. My personal brand, which promotes healthy eating, sports, routine, and activity, becomes an example for many parents, who begin to implement them in their own lives and the lives of their children.

In your opinion, what qualities and skills are most important to develop in children in today’s world, and how does your kindergarten assist in this?

My main goal is to teach children to be human, and to raise them in love and care. To care for their physical health through nutritious food and sports. To pay attention to the development of emotional intelligence, so children better understand their feelings, are empathetic, and can correctly respond to negativity and conflicts. Of course, we don’t forget about creative development and basic skills – reading, writing, counting, learning English, but we focus on practical disciplines that will be very useful in life – financial literacy, eidetic, sex education, etc.

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